FRAME, Green archives, INA, Survey

Eco-Responsibility Survey


Copyright: Jacques Chevry | Ina
INA (French National Audiovisual Institute) and FIAT/IFTA (International Federation of Television Archives) have launched an international survey to assess the audiovisual archives sector’s environmental impact. This survey is part of the FRAME training programme dedicated to audiovisual archives, organised yearly by INA with the support of FIAT/IFTA, EBU Academy and the EU Commission.
  • Evaluate the level of awareness in the sector of audiovisual archives regarding its environmental impact.
  • Assess current practices and measures taken by audiovisual archives professionals and organisations.
  • Identify experts, committed professionals and best practices in this domain.
  • Initiate a reflection among professionals and stakeholders.
  • Propose best practices and adaptations of norms and standards.

A study will be published based on collected answers, and results will be shared and discussed during the next FIAT/IFTA World Conference in October 2023.

Who can answer the survey? All professionals working for the preservation, management and access to audiovisual archives. It is possible to respond as an individual or on behalf of an organisation; thus, several answers can be received from the same organisation.

Deadline: 30 June 2023

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