FIAT/IFTA is managed by a President and an Executive Council of twelve members elected by the General Assembly
The Executive Council is headed by a President elected at the General Assembly every two years. The Executive Council appoints the General Secretary, the Treasurer and the Vice-President among its members.
If Commission Chairs are not already elected, they are co-opted ex officio. In addition, other members may be co-opted by the Executive Council to obtain a broad geographic and professional representation.
The President and the Executive Council determine the objectives and outcomes of the Federation’s actions.
The FIAT/IFTA Executive Council, including co-opted members
Delphine Wibaux
Vice-President & Membership Secretary
Head of International Affairs
Paolo Pagliero
Analyst - Copyright Financial Management
Laurent Boch
PMC Chair
Responsible of Research Projects Administration
Bríd Dooley
Head of Archives
Edith Hughes
Head of Product – Archive Operations
Dana Mustata
MSC Chair
University of Groningen
Assistant Professor Audiovisual Culture
Jaime Silva
Señal Memoria RTVC