2022 Timeline Survey Results

2022 Timeline Survey Results

Audiovisual archives worldwide are in constant transformation. To monitor this transformation, FIAT/IFTA asks its members questions about preservation formats and content management systems in use at their archive, access to their archive, the way metadata is created, and their connection to the public.

The FIAT/IFTA Media Management Commission uses the survey data to track the challenges the FIAT/IFTA members face. This way, they can provide the archivist community with relevant information and lectures during FIAT/IFTA conferences and seminars.

At the FIAT/IFTA World Conference in Cape Town (4-6 October 2022), the MMC presented the anonymised results of this survey. These results also enable members to answer the question: “where is our archive on the timeline?”

Please find the results from the 2022 Timeline Survey below!


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